Monday, August 31, 2009

Dachshunds Gone Wild

Maggie and Ernie went to the vet this past Saturday to get their nails trimmed.

Maggie behaved herself, which is notable, given that she required two techs and a muzzle last time. Recall that she weighs ten pounds after a meal.

Ernie more than made up for her. He:

1) tried to make a break for the door while Maggie was being weighed,
2) had to be towed in when he sat down and refused to budge, and
3) piddled on the vet tech while being trimmed.

I'm so proud of him.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Deep Thought

Why has nobody bought the rights to "Gary's Got A Boner" for use in an ED commercial?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Only five of seven?

Pre-show drink preferences of the Mekons, observed at the Harmony Grill:

Jon and Sally: Magners
Rico: Stella Artois
Steve and Lu: red wine
Sarah and Susie: unknown*

*Susie did carry a margarita onstage.